The 2852-OWS Remote Mounted Oil Alarm provides reliable interface monitoring of oil/water separators, sump pits and containments for pump control and alarm. The sensing probe continuously monitors for the oil/water interface in a water filled sump or separator. It is typically used to control pumps, operate valves, or activate alarms.
The 2852-OWS sensing probe monitors the capacitance field around the active probe tip. As the volume of separated oil increases in the separator or is drawn down toward the probe tip, the probe capacitance changes. This change is used to activate the relay for oil alarm interface and control.
Technical Specifications
Control Unit
Operating Temp. -20˚C to +55˚C
Resolution .007% (.07 pF at 1,000 pF)
Accuracy .04% of full scale pF
Power Input 12 vdc or 24 vdc or 100-240 vac +/- 10%
Alarm Relay 2 x 10 amp@240 vac, SPDT, dry
Analog Output 4 mA normal/20 mA alarm
Communication Modbus RS-485
Certified UL 61010-1, 2nd Edition
CAN/CSA-22.2 61010-1-4
IEC/EN 61010-1, 2nd Edition
IEC 61326-1
CE Declared
Enclosure Type 4/IP 66 painted steel
or Type 4X/IP 66 polycarbonate or SS
Optional Light, buzzer, beacon
Probe -60˚C to +260˚C
PMC -60˚C to +55˚C
Approval CSA Div 1, Class 1, Groups C,D
(also available I.S. with an Intrinsic Safety Barrier at the Contol unit)
ABSA-CRN #0F07450.2
Intrinsic Safety CSA Intrinsically Safe when ordered with Approved Barrier in Control Unit
Div 1, Class I, Groups A,B,C,D;
Class II, Groups E,F,G; Class III, Encl.Type 4
Wetted Parts 316SS and Teflon
Probe materials are eligible for NACE MR-0175 Compliance